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DealGen© User Guide

Beta v 0.4.0

Safe Harbor Statement

The following is intended to outline our general product direction. It is intended for information purposes only and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described for 67 Properties, LLC’s products remains at the sole discretion of 67 Properties, LLC.


DealGen is a cloud based Real Estate Investment Management (REIM) system designed to significantly improve the end-to-end process by leveraging predesigned workflows such as “multifamily buy and hold, single family buy and hold, Buy, rehab, refinance, repeat, etc.
A typical end-to-end workflow begins with identifying a profitable deal and ends with you either deciding to buy the deal or pass on the deal. *If you buy the deal DealGen will enable you to transition the preacquisition deal to an asset to be held and managed within DealGen. This provides the opportunity to track your projected KPIs as you mature the asset over time.
*Potential future release. See Safe Harbor statement
DealGen Beta 4.0 provides underwriting tools for a single workflow: “multifamily buy and hold”. It’s a minimum viable product (MVP) that will illustrate the broader conceptual design, establishing a framework for a marketable consumer product.

New in this Release

In this release we refined the user interface and new features have been added to make analysis from any device easier. This release will be used to collect feedback that will help us focus on adding valuable features in our future releases.

New Features

  • UI is more responsive & has a better mobile friendly design

  • Help: User Guide and Release Notes were moved inside the app to the top menu

  • New Deals navigation menu containing several child objects related to a deal

  • Quick Cal for quickly analyzing a deal to get a rough estimate before entering detailed analysis

Sign Up for a New User Account

  • From the DealGen Landing page @ enter your email address in the “Your email address field”, then click the “Create Account” button.

  • Fill in your desired user information on the Sign Up page (see Release Notes for knows issues with this page)

  • Click the “Sign Up” button

  • You will receive an email confirmation you will use to verify your email address (check SPAM/Junk if you do not see an email from after a few minutes.

  • Once you verify your email address you can log in using your new credentials.

  • You will receive a Welcome email from us after you log in for the first time.

  • From click the “Sign In” button at the top of the page.

  • Enter your user credentials and click the “Log In” button.

  • Note: “Forgot Password” & “Remember me” features are not functional on the Beta 0.4.0 release.

Sign in

  • All data is automatically saved to the database once you click out of the field you just entered data into.

  • The landing page and application pages are only somewhat responsive, meaning designed to be mobile compatible and will resize properly on smaller screens. However, the application is only mildly responsive. We placed lower priority on mobile for the MVP because we assumed people would not do complex analysis on their phones. We hope to hear your opinion on this.

  • Within the Deal Wizard the progress indicator as the top (Property Information, Finance, Income & Expense) is clickable to help you navigate directly from one page to the next.

  • Clicking the Deals menu at the very top of every page will bring you back to the Deals page.

  • To log out click the icon of a person top right of every page and click “Log out”.

  • A collapsible navigation menu has been added to the Deals Section when a specific deal has been opened. It allows you to navigate between the various aspects of a deal such as Income & Expenses, Property Information.

  • On a mobile device this menu appears in the center of the screen and acts as a drop-down menu.

  • You’ll notice there are a few additional menu items that are not active yet – they’re future features we’re working on and inactive in this version.

UI Navigation

Deals are the real estate investments you analyze and store as you’re working through the process of acquiring real estate. Deals contain details such as the property information, loan information, income & expenses, and key performance indicators.
The Deals List displays key information related to each of the deals in your pipeline to help quickly identify the deal or compare to other deals in your pipeline.
From the Deals page you can create a new deal, or edit an exiting one.


Clicking a Deal name brings you to the Deal Overview page. From there you can edit or view any of the related deal information from the side menu.

Edit Existing Deal

There are two options for creating a new Deal in DealGen: Quick Cal and Deal Wizard.

Create New Deal

The Quick Calc feature was designed with the mobile user in mind and is new to Beta 0.4.0. It provides a quick rough estimate analysis of your deal. Once you complete the quick calc analysis you can revisit the deal later to perform a more detailed analysis.

  • From the Deals page click the add Deal button and select Quick Cals from the list.

  • Fill out as much of the Quick Cal form page as possible.

  • The Listing Price field can be skipped if you do not know it. Once you complete the income and expense portions, you’ll be able to estimate the price and fill it in later (hover over the information icon above the Listing Price field for directions on determining Listing Price).

  • When you’re done click the Finish button at the bottom of the page to navigate to the Deal Overview page where you’ll see the Analysis overview.

Quick Calc

  1. From the Deals page click the “Add Deal” button at the top of the Deal list widget

  2. Step 1 of the Deal Wizard will launch enabling you to fill in the questionnaire to provide details about the property you’re analyzing

  3. The “Deal Name” field is auto populated, but you can type over the defaulted value with your own name for the deal

  4. Investment Type represents one of many workflows that will adapt your user experience along with the fields, pages, and key performance indicators you’ll see as you move through the process of analyzing your deal. In the Beta there is only a single workflow: Multifamily.

  5. It is important that you enter a value for the following fields because they are user in formulas later in the process:

    • Number of residential units

    • Number of commercial units

    • *either of these fields can be left blank or 0 if there is a value in the other

    • Square footage

  6. Once you complete the Property Information page click the Next button

Deal Wizard

Add a New Deal – Step 1: Property Information

  • The Listing Price field can be skipped if you do not know it. Once you complete the income and expense portions, you’ll be able to estimate the price and fill it in later (hover over the information icon above the Listing Price field for directions on determining Listing Price.

  • There are combination % and $ fields that allow you to enter either value and the other will calculate. As an example, if Listing price is $100,000 and you enter 20 in the Down Payment % field, the $ field will automatically populate with $20,000.

  • “General Closing” costs defaults to 2% of “Total loan amount”, but can be edited

  • Points charged by lender is 0 by default

  • If you enter a value in the Repair cost and select “Core loan” from the Financed picklist the financed portion will be added to your core loan amount. If you do not enter the repair cost will be added to “All personal cash contributions”

  • Once you complete the Property Information page click the Next button

Add a New Deal – Step 2: Finance

  • Total Expenses – quick estimate is used for quickly estimating expenses using a dollar value or by entering a percentage.

  • You can keep this value even after entering your detailed expenses as a check to see how close your initial estimate was

  • Once you enter any value in the under “Annual Expenses” area the application will use the “Total Expenses” value bottom right for all formulas

  • The Vacancy calculator is used to estimate your vacancy cost. The “Vacancy rate” field defaults to 2% once you enter a value in the “Potential rental income field”.

  • The calculator uses values entered in prior pages to calculate vacancy cost, so if there are values missing go back and make sure you’ve entered values for:

    • Number of residential units

    • Number of commercial units

    • *either of these fields can be left blank or 0 if there is a value in the other

  • Once you complete the Property Information page click the Finish button

Add a New Deal – Step 3: Income & Expense

  • The “Deal Overview” page allows you to see all the details of your deal on a single page along with important key performance indicators (KPIs) that enable to you quickly identify whether the deal meets your investment criteria.

  • The “First year KPIs” section KPI baselines are hard coded in this release to illustrate the power of our design. When a deal is entered into DealGen it is compared to preset (baseline) metrics. If aspects of your deal such as Cash Flow, meet or exceed the baseline settings they are highlighted in green. If the value is worse than the baseline it will be highlighted red. In future releases we may enable users to choose the KPIs that are important to them and set their own baseline metrics.

  • The “Stage” picklist sets the stage of your deal such as Analyzing, Negotiating, Offer Out, etc. to help organize and prioritize your deal pipeline on the Deals page. In this version it’s just a visual and does not drive workflow. It’s meant to showcase a potential feature.

  • 4. The side menu enables you to navigate between the various related details of your deal where you can edit each child object. Clicking the three horizontal lines at the top of the menu will collapse and expand the menu.

  • *There are several items on the menu that are not active in this release. They’re there to provide a preview of additional features and potential design as we add more objects and functionality to the application.

  • Click the Expand button under the Building Information section to expand the page and show more data about your deal. Click Collapse to show less detail.

Deal Overview

The Landing page at is where new and existing users access the DealGen cloud application. The Landing page is where new users will register to become users, and existing users will log in to DealGen.

Feature Overview

Landing Page

The Sign-up page is accessed from the Landing page by clicking the “Create Account” button.

Sign up

Once a new user clicks the “Create Account” button from the Landing page they will receive an authentication email. They will follow the directions within the email to authenticate that their email address is real and will be granted access to the DealGen cloud application.


The Sign in page allows registered you to enter your username (email address) and password to access your DealGen user account.

Sign In

The Deals page is where you create new deals and edit existing deals. You can see important details about your deals on the Deals list widget such as deal name, CAP rate, value, and stage. We may enable personalization features such as tailoring the location, size, and data displayed within the various widgets on the Deals page in future releases.


A major goal of ours is to bring enterprise power to the small investor. Therefore, we implemented the Deal Wizard. The Deal Wizard leads you through the necessary steps to analyze a new multifamily real estate deal – very helpful for the new investor.

Deal Wizard

The user experience is based on a workflow design called Multifamily that you can select at the start of the deal analysis process. In this release there is only one workflow, so making the selection isn’t necessary because Multifamily is the default workflow in this release.


The Deal Overview page is where you can see the details you entered using the wizard, along with various key performance indictors (KPIs) that will help identify deals that fit your specific investment criteria.

Deal Overview

Much like a selling process we designed a deal flow that functions like a Sales pipeline. On the Deal Overview page, you can set the stage your deal is in and that will be displayed on the Deals page displaying your complete list of deals.
Changing the stage as the deal progresses from Identification to Negotiation, then onto Acquisition enables you to quickly prioritize activities associate with your entire pipeline.

Deal Stage

The Quick Calc feature was designed with the mobile user in mind and is new to Beta 0.4.0. It provides a quick rough estimate analysis of your deal. Once you complete the quick calc analysis you can revisit the deal later to perform a more detailed analysis.

Quick Calc

KPI baselines are hard coded in this release to illustrate the power of our design. When a deal is entered into DealGen it is compared to preset (baseline) metrics. If aspects of your deal such as Cash Flow, meet or exceed the baseline settings they are highlighted in green. If the value is worse than the baseline it will be highlighted red.
In future releases we may enable users to choose the KPIs that are important to them and set their own baseline metrics.

KPIs on Deal Overview

The user interface designed for the beta release will continue to be refined with user feedback and additional features and usability enhancements.
The landing page and application pages have been made more responsive for use on mobile devices, meaning designed to be mobile compatible and will resize properly on smaller screens. However, the application is only mildly responsive. We placed lower priority on mobile for the MVP because we assumed people would not do complex analysis on their phones. We hope to hear your opinion on this.

User Interface (UI)

The Vacancy calculator is used to estimate your vacancy cost. The Vacancy rate field defaults to 2% once you enter a value in the Potential rental income field. Be sure to know average vacancies in your investment area to be as accurate in estimating as possible.

Vacancy Calculator

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